Recipes to raise the potency in men

Tested for centuries in traditional medicine can help to solve such delicate problems as the strengthening and recovery of potency in men. Simple and complex, one component and combining a lot of ingredients, amazing recipes to come back, and I realized that there are many. It is important to choose the most appropriate way, which not only improves the intimate side of life, but also to strengthen the overall health and also does no harm.

The right food for male potency

products power

Restoring male potency proper and balanced diet is the primary role. To improve male potency, improve the quality and increase the duration of sexual intercourse is recommended to enrich the ordinary diet of the foods that contain a large number of squirrels. This substance is a kind of building material of cells and has a significant role in the functioning of the reproductive system of the body.

To restore and strengthen the male potency need to pay attention to the following aspects related to the rules and the nuances of a balanced diet:

  • Products of animal origin. Meat low-fat varieties is an integral part of the daily menu of these men. Deficiency in the diet a sufficient amount of animal protein can have a negative effect on the power and condition of the body.
  • Milk and milk products. Increase potency in men and to improve the intimate life of the popular recipes recommended to take a daily food optimal amount of fresh milk, yogurt and other products.
  • A variety of seafood, such as algae — one of the most powerful and effective aphrodisiacs. These products for centuries, are famous for their stimulating properties. But more man power, it is recommended to take their food only in a cooked or raw form.
  • Vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions, carrots, turnips — all of these products also help to significantly strengthen male potency. However, according to folk methods, there is a certain cunning use of their food. For example, a special benefit is the fresh vegetable salad dressed with great olive oil. They should have evening hours, and right around sunset.

Important! Of course, to increase potency should focus on food and product quality. They should be as natural and fresh as well as through a minimal heat treatment in cooking process, which allows to maintain almost complete vitamin composition. And saturate the body with vitamins, is an important aspect, all men.

Herbal medicine

Typically, traditional recipes that are designed to strengthen and restore male potency, based on the use of different collection of herbs. It should be noted that the treatment of all diseases and strengthen the body apply to the type of plants that grow in the regional area where the person resides. It is desirable to consider the moment selecting the most appropriate prescription.

In the field of alternative medicine are most popular following medical payments, increase the potency and recovery of erection in men:

  • Do funds that have a stimulating effect on hormone production, thus contributing to increase potency in men, it is necessary to mix equal amounts of the following herbs: peppermint, conventional red clover, nettle, st. john's wort. Taken in form of tea every day brew at the rate of a small handful of herbal tea and half a liter of water.
  • A powerful tool, proven for centuries: the dry red wine of high quality is necessary to mix equal amounts of natural milk, preferably in the country. To this mixture add 50 grams of dry herbs and boil for a few minutes. Got elixir to drink half a Cup a day, about an hour before a meal.
  • In ancient Greece to increase the power and remove the sexual weakness of men have used the following remedy: Rhodiola rosea extract, devil, the root of Manchurian ginseng, aralia. All the plants are mixed in equal quantities, pour about a liter of water and bring to a boil. When the broth has cooled, store it in a cool place, protected from light. Take a day half a Cup. You will get the best results you can drink a tablespoon before sexual intercourse.
  • Exciting magnificent property has a natural rose essential oil. To restore sensitivity and enhance sexual arousal in men is enough to inhale the scent of the couple taken. And improves erectile function in men should mix a few drops of oil with natural liquid honey and take immediately before sexual intercourse. The result is guaranteed.

Important! Using traditional recipes, based on the reception of decoctions of medicinal plants are recommended only without the risk of development of allergic reactions. Despite the natural origin of components, and their almost complete safety, before starting treatment, it is still necessary to consult with your doctor.

Gold, elixir

increased power

Honey is one of the most powerful stimulants. There are a variety of traditional recipes which the main ingredient is the use of this product of beekeeping. But to get the best results, you should use high quality gold, natural, ultimate maturity. Otherwise, the application efficiency is reduced to the minimum level.

In order to restore and improve erectile function, you can use the following recipe, which is quite simple, but very effective.

Liquid or melted honey, stir thoroughly identical number of carefully ground walnuts. For grinding, it is desirable to use a coffee grinder. The mixture was left for infusion for a few days, and then use one tablespoon at least three times a day. You can also eat nutty honey directly before the sexual intercourse. This means that not only has a beneficial effect on virility, but also significantly increases the sexual desire.

Tip! Honey and walnuts are stronger allergens. If you see any of the negative reactions of the body during treatment should stop the course.

The Magic of garlic

Different people's recipes recommend the intake of garlic in food to promote health and male power. The use of the product facilitates metabolism, stimulates blood circulation. A similar effect prevents the development of stagnation in the pelvic organs, helps to improve erection.

Garlic can be added to foods, but it is best to prepare the following tool. Kg pre-cleaned and a little garlic should be placed in cleaned jars, with a volume of three liters. Fill the tank with purified or boiled water, mix well, leave for a few days to draw. Need to drink one teaspoon a day, with or without food. Duration of the course is yet not empty the Bank. However, note that the first results came a few days after the start.

Tip! Get a really powerful tool you must use for its preparation the current home of the garlic grown on their own.

Original ways

In addition, the general is the original traditional method to restore male power. Listed below, there are positive effects on the body, improve immune system function, helps to speed up metabolism.

However, because of the quite drastic in their impact on the user should be persons who have problems with heart and blood vessels:

  • A sharp change in temperature. In this case, does not mean the shower, and the combination of snow and steam. To obtain a youthful enthusiasm, you need to steam the body of the Russian bath, and then spend the icy pool or, if it is winter in the yard, on the street, at least five minutes. To enhance the effect, you can use the branches. This procedure increases blood circulation, activates lymph flow to the genitals, and also to prevent the development of stagnation.
  • Ice baths for the feet. The legs should be lowered into a container filled with water and ice cubes. During the procedure, has a direct impact on the active points of the feet, which improves blood circulation and improves erection.
recipes to increase potency

Before treatment with the help of folk remedies should remember an important rule: the best results can only be achieved if the procedure is carried out regularly. If you're using them from time to time, make a lot of breaks, although the effectiveness means the desired outcome is not.