What is the potency of men: why problems occur and how to prevent them?

Each person is important to have a sound sexual health. Very important to this factor in men, because the body's ability to commit a sexual act greatly affects their self-esteem and self-confidence. When men have problems with sexual life, they become insecure and irritated.

potency in men

What is the power?

Male potency is the ability of the male body to commit a sexual act that brings pleasure for both sexual partners. A healthy sex life necessary for the development of men. Many people, the word "power" to equate the term "erection". However, the potency of affects not only the erection. Good sex life the main attraction to the opposite sex, the quality and duration of sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of low power is the stronger sex are expressed:

  • weak erection or its complete absence;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • a man cold.

Factors that affect the men in power

Problems with potency can inform, stress, psychological problems or men's health problems.

In addition, the man of strength is negatively influenced by such factors:

  • Smoking and alcohol;
  • age;
  • prostatitis and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • weight;
  • some medications;
  • too high physical activity or the lack of it;
  • the relationship with the partner.

Sexual strength of men is changing. Potency in men 60 and above, is often reduced, this is due to the decreased production of testosterone, atherosclerosis changes and diseases of the endocrine system.

Many men of this age suffer from prostatitis, because of the lack of exercise. Reduced potency, prostatitis is quite common.
potency in men, how to increase

Some men have shown poor efficacy and young. The young man has power problems unhealthy way of life, inflammation of the pelvic organs and excessive use of alcohol. Different hormonal disorders can slow blood flow to the sex organ.

Chronic disease causes

The reasons for reduced potency is often a chronic disease. Prostatitis and treatment sooner or later can lead to impotence. Disease varicocele does not directly affect the efficacy. However, complications of this disease, pain, stress and anxiety, because the disease can reduce the sexual power of men.

Hypertension reduces the elasticity of blood vessels and blood flow to the penis decreases. Half of men with high blood pressure, is a flaccid member during intercourse.

The treatment of hypertension has been prescribed drugs that reduce the efficacy. Chronic thyroid disease and diabetes also reduce libido.

How to prevent impotence?

Man to prevent the appearance of impotence, it is important to monitor their health and nutrition:

  1. Ditch unhealthy habits.
  2. Have a good consider your diet. Incorporate a dose of healthy food, which contains vitamins and minerals. The trace element zinc to increase testosterone, he are oysters, pumpkin seeds, diet, meat and fish, nuts and cereals.
  3. More exercise.
  4. Keep a regular sex life.
  5. Get rid of the constant stress and worries.

Review and correct power

Check the power of the doctor to spend several ways:

  1. Biothesiometry. To determine the sensitivity of the glans penis, which to use the device, which produces vibration.
  2. Medical treatment is vessels of the penis. Is to measure the blood flow in the vessels of the penis using certain drugs.
  3. Blood tests. Help set the level of testosterone, to determine the cholesterol and check for diabetes.
  4. A blood test for PSA level. A high level of prostate specific antigen may indicate the presence of prostatitis and BPH.

How to keep power?

The long-term conservation of power is important, because young people are concerned about their health. Healthy sleep, nutrition and exercise at any age has a positive effect on not only sex, but also in other body of men. Consult a doctor, if you have a variety of diseases.

Ways to restore power

What you need is a good power? To raise the potency in men is used in medicines and folk remedies. Good power immensely important psychological factor and situation in the family. During treatment it is important to maintain the moral man and to save him unnecessary stress.


Medicines prescribed by a doctor and should be carried out in strict compliance with its recommendations. Such funds and normalize the vessels, restores virility and promote an erection.

In addition to medication, your doctor may prescribe gels, creams or injections.

Folk remedies: how to increase power in your home?

The initial stage of problems with male power folk medicine used along with preventive measures.

The most effective folk methods of treatment of impotence to consider:

  1. Decoction Of Hypericum.
  2. A decoction of hop cones.
  3. Ground walnuts and honey.
  4. Decoction of hawthorn and sage.

A complex of physical exercises

potency in men causes

Physical exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, helps to increase the potency of men, naturally. Qualitative effect of several classes in a month will not happen, exercises are important systematically. Yoga to increase the potency, so not only affect the organs and muscles of the men, but also relieve stress and irritability.

The most effective exercises:

  1. The "Butterfly". Lie on your back, bend your knees and pull the legs buttocks. On the exhale, bend the legs dilute to the side and come back.
  2. "Birch". This exercise improves blood circulation, is an excellent prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  3. Squats. Reduces congestion and has a positive effect on the prostate gland.


Good performance depends on many physical and psychological factors. Lack of stress, proper nutrition, physical activity, regular sexual life – all this is useful to the strength of the man on the bed. If the problem is still there, do not postpone going to the doctor. A holistic treatment is effective to restore the power and restore confidence.