Effective treatment of chronic prostatitis

The most effective treatment for prostatitis in men will be if the man pays attention to all the recommendations and the treatment is comprehensive. Chronic prostatitis is the number one disease of the reproductive system in men of reproductive age. A common cause of prostatitis is sexually transmitted pathogens. The disease has "rejuvenated" every year, and it is no longer surprising to meet a young boy with such a pathology.

Is it possible for men to get rid of chronic prostatitis?

Every person with prostatitis suffers from the problem of the effectiveness of treatment, because the disease causes not only physical discomfort, but also moral. Men with prostatitis often get depressed.

When asking for help from a urologist, the doctor tries to determine the right treatment for your body, taking into account all the nuances and the presence of other chronic diseases.

The following conservative approaches should be included for comprehensive treatment:

  • Drug treatment.In this case, medications are prescribed to help get rid of chronic prostatitis.
  • Physiotherapy.It includes a number of exercises that a man should do regularly even after healing.
  • Manual therapy, which is an integral part of treatment. Contraindicated in bacterial prostatitis.

Research is needed for prostatitis treatment to be effective:

  1. Visit other experts and get advice and tips. The following are mandatory: neuropsychiatrist, endocrinologist and cardiologist.
  2. Brain tomography to find out if their functions, performance and structure are normal.
  3. Special attention is paid to hormonal levels, special tests are performed.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system is performed.

We must not forget that the disease can be asymptomatic or in remission. If this is observed, you should immediately seek the help of a specialist who knows the proper treatment of prostatitis and which medications are better to prescribe.

Treatment conditions can be half a month or more, everything will depend on the stage of the disease at that time. All drugs prescribed for treatment tend to lower blood pressure in the genitals, and as a result, drugs that have a vasodilating effect are also prescribed.

What therapy can be used at home if you have chronic prostatitis?

If you have an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, you should follow all the recommendations prescribed by a specialist. It is important to spend more time in bed, completely eliminate any physical activity, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

After the aggression is over, the man has to decide for a long time about his daily routine and work schedule.

An effective treatment for chronic prostatitis

To prevent recurrent exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, you should regularly follow the following recommendations:

  1. Men should not have hypothermia. Under no circumstances should you sit on a cool surface. Clothing should be loose and light so as not to squeeze the genitals anywhere, make sure it is appropriate for the season. An excellent way to treat chronic prostatitis is hardening, which should be done every day.
  2. Do not tolerate urination. It is recommended to visit the toilet every 3-4 hours, and not only during treatment.
  3. In sedentary work, men should take a break every two hours and walk and warm up. If this is not possible, one approach is to pull the anus back to the bottom and do this six times a day.
  4. Moderate physical activity, which helps treat prostatitis in men, is not just about medication.

    Prevents disease progression and pelvic congestion. Men of all ages should have daily morning workouts, as well as regular outdoor activities and daily walks.

  5. If you have prostatitis, you should refrain from cycling, equestrian sports and other traumatic activities.
  6. All men should have regular sex, which is prescribed as a treatment. Works better than any medication. The key is to rule out a long and broken connection.
  7. Avoid obstacles. In this case, it is necessary to immediately take laxatives.
  8. Alcohol and smoking should be completely avoided in men.
  9. Treatment should include the complete elimination of stressful situations in life.
  10. It is important to see a specialist at least twice a year, get a clinical examination and TRUS, and get tested.

What medications will help with chronic prostatitis?

Sexually transmitted bacteria and infections are the root cause of this disease. They are able to infect the urethra and penetrate the tissues of the prostate gland.

The following medications and preventive measures are prescribed for chronic prostatitis:

drug treatment of chronic prostatitis
  1. Painkillers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken.
  2. Sedatives and antidepressants.
  3. Restoration of urinary excretion due to diuretics.
  4. Douching is set.
  5. Physiotherapy treatment.
  6. Targeted drugs - antibiotics.
  7. Surgical intervention in case of narrowing of the urethra and prostate abscess.

The course of treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics can justify all expectations and can not last more than two weeks, after which repeated tests are performed, and there is a positive trend, mainly in men.

They are used because prostatitis is a contagious disease. Antibiotics only help if the doctor chooses the right medicine.

The following dosage forms can often be offered for this disease:

  • Candles. They help with anesthesia and disinfection.
  • Injections.

    They help the drug to penetrate the body quickly and affect the inflammatory process as soon as possible. Stimulates the immune system

  • Instillation. Used only when the bladder is empty.
  • Microclysters. Herbal infusions and decoctions are used. Be sure to use with caution, especially if the body is prone to allergic reactions. Be sure to consult a specialist before use.
  • Tablets with a broad spectrum of action and prescribed if the causative agent is clearly identified. Such drugs can be divided into three groups: tetracycline, penicillin, fluoroquinolones.

Any disease, including chronic prostatitis, can be treated, you just need to choose the right treatment and drugs that will have a positive effect on the prostate gland.